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Rex Wilder is an award-winning poet and photographer. His first job in photography was for Playboy magazine. Today, he is the author of four books of poetry. His fifth, Rare Fuel, won the 2023 Donna Wolf Palacio Poetry Prize and will appear in spring 2024. 

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Spending Lies

But then one recovers, as do the objects
Of one’s affection. As in covering
Again. Can recovery be a bad thing?
Side effects: the blight of blasé,
A mild fever of yeah, whatever.
I guess I’m still loving everything
But having to remind myself; my mind-
Ful calm’s not sticky anymore.
The thrill isn’t gone. It’s just shopping
With coupons, putting things back.

- Rex Wilder


Top Hat






Hill Country

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« Je suis plus qu'un passager du passé. Les gens me demandent parfois si je regarde trop en arrière. Bien sûr, je regarde en arrière, mais je regarde aussi en avant, à gauche, à droite, en haut et en bas. Loin et proche. Et pour la première fois, je regarde aussi vraiment à l'intérieur.

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